Sunday night since the late 20s the ceremony has influence marketing distribution tastingHouston conversations with in the movie industry but not everyone agrees about what it means to receiverisi one of the golden statuettes 20 the sower to talk about the Oscars and in the yearthe year in film in 2013 are Austin McCann is general manager of the art theater in ChampaignAndroid spy phone Eric Robertsdefine credit for WGN radio and contributed in the wire .com welcome Merrick bankthank you for having you can join the conversation at 802 22944
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Asians that that came about afterword what movie had the best running 2013 rut 201313 release forms very early mud mud which is another phone that was left out and I was it filmedthe film distributed by roadside attractions who are a distributor that I like they also did itin the world which was a great comedy that we played over the summer that also was left outwinning the Best Original Screenplay that can I believe it all is lostwhich which subject of a kind of micro cinema controversy when Redford Robert Redfordread for the Starbucks on blamed on the distributor for not receiving the Best Actor nominations
what critics on Portland how to get movies like that out there and not getting a 22525 topic but you know you look at the Oscars won spectrum any have you know about a groupIndependent Spirit Awards where you think I feel my short term 12 what dominated becausebecause the way the rules are structured and the Banditwhat do I need to be fine tune you have basically all the films are up for Oscarsnominated there 12 years a slave Dallas buyers club blue jasmine because of know howhow small of budgets are there considered independent films 14 short term 12
are the secrets that exist in why would you want to make that film and the filmfilm that starts off as a casual remembrance and then becomes you know a berryvery intriguing mystery write a personal mystery but then divided by the end of the moviebecome something with no worries for the question the idea of memory and the way we tell storehow stories in the way that you know if I tell you to know that this person is a good person or badbad person that has a ripple effect on the rest of the world is it might be a small ripplemight be a pebble in ocean but its is the way the way that language in storytelling