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Portable Visual Basic: D - Les meilleures pratiques pour migrer vers le mode portable de VS Code


Note: Do not attempt to configure portable mode on an installation from the Windows User or System installers. Portable mode is only supported on the Windows ZIP (.zip) archive. Note as well that the Windows ZIP archive does not support auto update.

Portable Visual Basic: D

The data folder can be moved to other VS Code installations. This is useful for updating your portable VS Code version, in which case you can move the data folder to a newer extracted version of VS Code.

On macOS, you need to place the data folder as a sibling of the application itself. Since the folder will be alongside the application, you need to name it specifically so that VS Code can find it. The default folder name is code-portable-data:

By default, the default TMP directory is still the system one even in Portable Mode, since no state is kept there. If you want to also have your TMP directory within your portable directory, you can create an empty tmp directory inside the data folder. As long as a tmp directory exists, it will be used for TMP data.

EditorConfig settings are supported by many code editors and IDEs, including Visual Studio. It's a portable component that travels with your code, and can enforce coding styles even outside of Visual Studio.

If by portable you mean will it run on more hardware and operating system platforms than C#, the answer is no. VB uses the same runtime platform that C# does, and supports the same hardware and operating systems.

The only way it would be more portable would be if the BASIC language in general somehow outlived C-style languages years down the road. That's a dubious prospect at best. I'd say that if not for the success of Visual Basic in the 1990's, BASIC would have been long gone from the scene. and C# are not native languages and can hardly be associated with being portable, UNLESS the .net framework could be run on systems other than windows and then your programs could be compiled AND run on those other systems; both languages would be considered portable then. As long as they can only be compiled and run through the .net framework which only runs on windows, what portability have we got here?

Scale to work on projects of any size and complexity with a 64-bit IDE. Code with a new Razor editor that can refactor across files. Diagnose issues with visualizations for async operations and automatic analyzers.

The data folder can be moved to other Visual Studio Code installations. This is useful for updating your portable Visual Studio Code version: simply move the data folder to a newer extracted version of Visual Studio Code.

On macOS, you need to place the data folder as a sibling of the application itself. Since the folder will be alongside the application, you need to name it specifically so that Code can find it. The default folder name is code-portable-data:

Portable mode won't work if your application is in quarantine, which happens by default if you just downloaded Visual Studio Code. Make sure you remove the quarantine attribute, if portable mode doesn't seem to work:

Note: Do not attempt to configure portable mode on an installation from the Windows User or System installers. Portable mode is only supported on the Windows ZIP (.zip) archive. Note as well that the Windows ZIP archive does not support auto update.

Hi to all,i'm building a form application.i'd like to make this application portable to every client without the need to install files in client's system directory orkeys in the system registry.I'd like to have a very portable application, that is, an exe file that has inside every thing to run from usb device or a specify user directory.

.net program is heavy and slow, .net framework is impossible to be a portable application, microsoft can't do it too.vc6's program can be portable application.vb6's program can be portable application after winxp throught manifest file.

i'd like to make this application portable to every client without the need to install files in client's system directory orkeys in the system registry.I'd like to have a very portable application, that is, an exe file that has inside every thing to run from usb device or a specify user directory.

The Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital and University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania There is a need for brief, portable performance measures that are free of practice effects but that reliably show the impact of sleep loss on performance during sustained work. Reaction time (RT) tasks hold considerable promise in meeting this need, if the extensive number of responses they typically yield can be processed in ways that quickly provide the essential analyses. While testing the utility of a portable visual RT task during a sustained, quasi-continuous work schedule of 54 h, we developed a microcomputer software system that inputs, edits, transforms, analyzes, and reduces the data from the RT portable audiotapes, for each 10-min trial on the task. With relatively minor modifications, the software system can be used on a minimally configured microcomputer system that supports BASIC. The software is flexible and capable of retrieving distorted data, and it generates a variety of dependent variables reflecting intratrial optimum response capacity, lapsing, and response slowing.

In this article, we will see what is a Portable Class Library (PCL) and its importance. PCLs are used to build portable assemblies which work across platforms like Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Silverlight, Windows Store Apps and Windows Phone apps. This project supports subset of assemblies from .NET Framework, Silverlight, Windows Store apps and Silverlight. One of the advantage of this project is that a developer can write the application code once and without modification, this code can be shared across various client applications. This feature increases the re-usability of the application code.

PowerShell Editor Services is an application programming interface (API) whose goal is to make the PowerShell environment portable across different host applications, even those on non-Windows platforms.

In order for a class to be a candidate for portability, it not only has to be available in all the target frameworks, but it also has to have the same behavior across those frameworks. Even then, there are some classes that meet both conditions that aren't yet "portable" (but, if you wait, you should see them become portable). However, there are some strategies for reducing the impact of the "intersection set," which will be discussed later.

The .NET Framework 4 uses special re-targetable assemblies created specifically for PCLs, which choose the correct assembly at runtime depending on the host framework. The .NET Framework 4.5 was built with a portable mindset, and its assemblies have been designed from the ground up with portability in mind through type forwarding.

While it's tempting to select all the available frameworks (the "you never know" attitude), it's better to think in terms of "you aren't going to need it." Because the feature set available to your code is the intersection of the frameworks selected, each additional framework you select reduces the set of features available to you. The best advice is to choose only the target frameworks where you expect your code to be hosted. But, thanks to the way PCLs can be referenced, there are some strategies that allow you to extend the functionality in a portable application.

Referencing Portable Applications While PCLs can't reference non-portable class libraries, other kinds of projects (those targeting a single framework) can reference PCLs, provided the PCL includes the framework that the original project is targeting. PCLs can also reference each other: Your PCL project can reference another PCL, provided that the target frameworks in the referenced library are a subset of your project's frameworks. If a PCL you want to reference targets a set of frameworks different from your project, you won't be allowed to add a reference to the PCL.

PCL projects also support adding Service References, with some restrictions. All the service operations in the client proxy are generated as asynchronous. Any non-portable classes in the service are ignored (for instance, any constructor involving a non-portable class will not be included in the client proxy). Within the service contract, ProtectionLevel, SessionMode, IsInitiating and IsTerminating are removed and only a couple of bindings are supported.

As of NuGet 2.1, PCLs can be part of NuGet packages. If your NuGet package contains a framework-specific library and a portable version, the more specific-versioned libraries get preference when the package is installed (but this raises the question of why your package has a portable framework-specific version of the same library). Installing a NuGet package that doesn't target a framework within the project will fail. 2ff7e9595c

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